
Broken is a book about dogs. These are survival stories, stories about dogs protecting their loved ones at any cost, and dogs who have changed the lives of people they have encountered. What is more remarkable about these dogs is that they are all challenged. They are blind. Deaf. Missing limbs. Imperfect in any number of ways. And yet they have managed to live in a way that can teach us about living in the moment, revelling in life, letting go of the past and seeing the world as a beautiful place to be.

I AM LOOKING FOR SUBMISSIONS FOR POTENTIAL PUBLICATION. If you know of a remarkable dog who has amazed you with his story, consider sharing it with the world! You are welcome to submit a short outline to be filled in once approved, or a detailed and complete narrative. I cannot accept 'heresay'; all stories must be verifiably sourced. I am especially interested in tales that move and inspire people without heartbreak. No death scenes, please! (My 'pet' peeve is a dog story with a sad ending.)

Please e-mail your submission to brokendogstories@gmail.com .

If your story is well-suited for this publication, I will contact you. Please make sure to provide at least TWO ways to reach you. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this project I would be happy to address them at the above link. Thank you for visiting my site and I look forward to hearing from anyone with a tale to tell! For more info and latest developments scroll down...

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Submission clarification--Here's what I'm looking for!

I don't want anyone to spend a lot of time writing and submitting a piece only to learn that it is not going to 'fit' in this book. There seems to be some confusion here so I'd like to clarify what I need from you.
I am getting a lot of detailed narratives explaining what happened to "Fido" (for example) and his health concerns. This is fine and is helpful as a backstory but what I am really interested in are any specific ways Fido has impacted your life, the lives of your other dogs, or anyone else for that matter. My vision is to have each story feature an angle that will highlight the way these dogs empower us, inspire us or move us. For instance, think of a way in which Fido has powered up a personal emotional response. What did he do that made you feel frustrated, overjoyed, astounded, anguished or proud? Perhaps it was the way he helped your other disabled pet (...and then he went over to Rex and nudged him toward the doggie door. I couldn't believe my eyes...) or maybe he has changed the way you feel about yourself (....so I made the phonecall that would change my life. Without Rex I truly don't know if I would be here to today...) I am also looking for funny stories (Fido's heightened sense of smell took him straight to each one of those Easter eggs and the kids woke up to shreds of tin foil all over the house...) .
I also want to stress that you don't need to actually write the story if it is not your forte. True, I am thrilled to have received some powerfully moving and eloquent submissions. However, as a writer I can flesh out a great story by talking with you by phone or online. I am happy to get outlines or even a single line: "Would you be interested in hearing about the day Fido went to the hospital and met a guy who had just lost his leg?" Heck, YES! At this point I would fire back a response and we would take it from there. If you are not sure, send it in. One line is all it takes.
I hope this helps! Remember, the backstory is great so I can get a sense of the dog's history. But the meat of this book lies in the compelling stories which will bring these dogs to life. The topic must make the reader laugh or cry or rage or wonder. But the reader must feel in order for the story to succeed.
You kow when your dog has affected you...share it with the world!


  1. Love the blog Kelly! Bet you'll be bombarded with stories. One day I'll try to sit & compose something about my Speedy-man.

  2. Great job on getting this started. I am sure it will be a great success and really looking forward to reading the stories!
